The big game is coming up this weekend. As a Buffalonian, I’ve seen my fair share of Superbowl losses (why can’t the Bills win?). So I get it, that sometimes the food is the best part of the gathering (and the commercials!). However, game day madness can work its way into your waistline. Loaded with pizza, chicken wings, and dips galore, Superbowl parties are usually a day full of saturated fat and empty calories.
Many of us want to have a great time but suffer form temptation. There are some great strategies to avoid this. You can go to the party and still have fun! Invest a little time in proper planning:
1) Eat some healthy foods before going to the party. Eating foods high fiber and protein ahead of time will both satisfy you and help you feel satiated.
2) Bring something that is good to share to the party. People love appetizers on game day. Make a healthy one to share and provide you with healthy choices. I love my veggie stuffed mushrooms or my sweet potato latkes. Both are great for a crowd! Another crowd favorite are my curried cashews, perfect for a snack!
3) Swap the dip-dips are almost always made with sour cream. Try making a bean-based dip such as a white bean dip or hummus without added oils. Have veggies on hand to dip so you can skip the chips.
4) Transform tradition-no one says you HAVE to order pizza. You can make it a real SOUPerbowl, and make a big pot of soup. I have a ton of soup recipes on the blog, but some great hardy ideas are:
5) Other Ideas to make or take:
- Make flatbreads or your own pizza! You can easily make your own whole wheat flatbreads. You can do this by using a naan bread or tortilla shells. Use an oil free pesto, red sauce, or hummus as the base and then load on the veggies, and bake until headed through. Another way to cook up some tortilla pizzas is to mash up some black beans, mix them with some chili seasoning and create a Mexican style “pizza”. Top with caramelized onions, tomatoes, spinach, and olives, bake for 10 minutes until heated through, and then add some fresh avocado slices, and drizzle with salsa.
- Stuffed Peppers-easy do-ahead main dish; try some lentil stuffed peppers!
- Try making or bringing along a veggie chili. Chili is always a winner! Left overs make great lunches and can easily be transformed into burritos or part of a sweet potato bar later in the week.
- Or switch up the chili for enchiladas! You can make both of these ahead of time and just heat when the game begins.
What ever you choose to make or bring, just remind yourself of why you’re in it for the long haul. We are all working for the big prize. So keep your eyes on the trophy of health, and you’ll win big!
This website is amazing!Wonderful recipes and excellent tips to create a healthy life!
Thank you so much Sharon!